The Problem of Morality is a question that I have been wrestling with most of 2014 and through extensive reading, seeking, and my own life experiences this year I have put together this blog as a culmination of my thoughts and position on this very important and critical question. I will start the blog […]
Responsibility First: A Solution to Entitlement
I recently wrote a blog about the rampant entitlement in our culture and our obsession with self called “Its All About Me: How Entitlement is Destroying Our Culture.” The blog laid out the issues and facts that have generated a shift towards self and entitlement behavior in our culture. I am a big advocate of […]
The Shaping of Disciple by Dale Martin Stone
When God wants to drill a man, And thrill a man, and skill a man, When God wants to mold a man To play for Him the noblest part, When He yearns with all His heart To build so great and bold a man That all the world shall be amazed, Then watch God’s methods, […]
Pleasure and The Law of Diminishing Returns
“Unlimited freedom means that identity is fluid. The search to find oneself never ends.” Mark Sayers As humans we are hard wired for pleasure. All you have to do is look at the magazine aisle or watch a sequence of commercials. All of these companies are ultimately selling pleasure of some sort. The newest electronics […]