This is an OpEd I did for the Reno Gazette Journal in December 2012 regarding the resurgence of the Nevada economy through key stake holders. Nevada Putting Pieces Together The puzzle of how to diversify, strengthen and bring cutting-edge entrepreneurship to Nevada’s economy has been a test of endurance, innovation and strategic thinking. It has […]
Anthos Capital & Crossfit: A Look into the Public Image of Private Equity
The private equity industry for many years lived up to its name – “private”. However, in the last few years this relatively small asset class has become a global player and a sought after target for the media. Much of this has been brought on by a former private equity executive, Mitt Romney, running for […]
Defined Benefit Versus Defined Contribution – Whats Next?
Defined Benefit pension plans have been a major headline in the last year and their future viability debated across the country. Defined benefit pension plan contributions to the capital markets are key drivers of the economy, however, since the 2008 sub-prime crisis the general public has been made aware of the liability the average tax […]