As we clumsily walk through the process of socializing medicine in the United States I am constantly reminded of the lifelong commitment and sacrifices that doctors have made to serve our health needs as a society. It troubles me to see so many doctors silenced in a discussion that should have started and been largely […]
Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness: A Shift in American Culture
This video really caught my attention the other day and illustrates the underlying culture of America at the moment. The changes to our country have been very subtle and that is what causes me great concern. So many of our liberties are being taken from the individual and quiet power is transferred to large corporations and the […]
Separation of Economy and State Part Three: Solutions “Not” Problems
The difference between forward thinkers and those that want to keep the status quo is in their delivery. Those who want to move society forward focus on solutions that will drive innovation and creation. Those less confident in their abilities to innovate and create focus on the problems at hand in lieu of solutions in […]
Separation of Economy and State Part Two: People & Ideas
“The man who produces an idea in any field of rational endeavor – the man who discovers new knowledge – is the permanent benefactor of humanity. Material products can’t be shared, they belong to some ultimate consumer; it is only the value of an idea that can be shared with unlimited number of men, making […]
Separation of Economy and State Part One: Regaining Freedom and Accountability
The United States economy is suffering one of its worst down turns in modern history and the entire globe is feeling the impact. The capital markets, job markets and consumer markets continue to decline and much of the result is due to overall lack of confidence in the current leadership of the United States and […]