This story originally appeared in The Observer Dusty Wunderlich | Published June 25, 2017 The official line on the Great Recession is that it’s over. The economy has recovered, and brighter days are ahead for Americans who suffered through the worst economic spell since the 1930s. But those optimistic outlooks seem a bit overstated when […]
The Great Disruption: How FinTech Will Transform Banking
Abstract: The Great Disruption takes a deep analysis of the economic ripple effect created by the fractional reserve banking system. The harsh economic reality of the research is met with an equally uplifting outline of how financial technology will help to transform a broken banking system in the future. Read the paper below or download […]
Blockchain — Nevada’s next horizon?
This article originally appeared on Reno Gazette Journal Dusty Wunderlich – 8:07 p.m. PT July 15, 2016 The state of Nevada is well-positioned for an entrepreneurial renaissance with the convergence of business-friendly regulators and the emergence of blockchain. Proactive legislation could make the state the first in the West to legally recognize blockchain technology […]
Is Offering Alternative Payment Options a Good Business Bet?
This article originally appeared on Dusty Wunderlich — May 18, 2015 In today’s economy, it is more stressful than ever for consumers to make big purchases, especially when those purchases pop up unexpectedly. This happens when an old refrigerator finally croaks, or when a tire blows out on the way to work. Even […]
How Offering Financing Will Give You a Competitive Edge
Originally published on Yahoo Small Business By Dusty Wunderlich More often than not, financing gets a bad rap. Sure, Apple can mark up a product as high as it wants, and McDonald’s can increase the price of hamburgers, but when the product is money, customers and merchants start to question the ethics behind the […]